Proven Results

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Five Star Google Review Rated Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney in RI

DUI Over .15 – Dismissed and Sealed From Client’s Record

Client was asleep in his motor vehicle when police approached. The client admitted to drinking and agreed to and failed the Field Sobriety Tests. The client later submitted to a breathalyzer and had results over .15 BAC. I was able to get the Entire Case Dismissed based upon several legal arguments. Client never lost their license or CDL, case was sealed from their record, as if this had never happened!

Third Offense Domestic – Dismissed

Client was charged with two separate Violation of No Contact Orders (3rd offense) which is a felony and requires at least One Year In Jail! Case was reviewed and several legal arguments were made and the cases were completely dismissed and removed from the client’s record. Client was able to resume their job and move forward with their life!

Domestic Assault – Not Guilty After Trial

Client charged with domestic assault and removed from their house due to the no contact order. We were able to gather significant evidence to disprove the charges against them. We went to trial and discredited the complaining witness’s story. The case was dismissed at the halfway point of the trial due to the judge not believing the complaining witness. The client was able to have this cleared from their record like it never happened.

Possession of a Controlled Substance With the Intent to Deliver and Possession of 1 to 5 kilos of Marijuana– DISMISSED and Sealed From Client’s Record

Client was charged with operating an illegal marijuana grow after a lengthy police investigation. The client had numerous pounds of marijuana and other related paraphernalia. After numerous conferences and legal arguments I was able to get the client into the Superior Court Diversion program and had the matter dismissed and sealed from the client’s record.  

DUI and Refusal – Dismissed

Client was arrested for a DUI and Refusal of a Breathalyzer. I was able to show that the police did not follow proper protocol and they lacked credible evidence to proceed with the charges. Based upon on my legal arguments, BOTH the DUI and REFUSAL were COMPLETELY DISMISSED.

Domestic Assault – Dismissed and Sealed From Client’s Record

The client was charged by police with assaulting his significant other. I was able to present compelling and contradictory evidence that convinced the prosecution that the charges were unable to be proven at trial. As a result, the case was dismissed and sealed from the client’s record.

DUI – Dismissed and Sealed From Client’s Record

The client was charged by the police with DUI after pulling over and calling 911 for a medical emergency for a passenger of the motor vehicle. I was able to successfully argue that the client was protected by the Good Samaritan law and any lack of indicia of intoxication to warrant the arrest. As a result the case was completely dismissed and sealed from the client’s record.

Simple Assault and Obstructing Police – Dismissed and Sealed From Client’s Record

The client was charged with assaulting a police officer. I was able to successfully argue that police improperly entered the client’s residence without sufficient justification and therefore the case should be dismissed. The case was dismissed and sealed from the client’s record.

Reckless Driving – Dismissed and Sealed From Client’s Record

The client was charged with criminal reckless driving for operating with excess and reckless speed. I was able to successfully save this client’s criminal record by having him plea to the speeding tickets and having the criminal case dismissed and sealed from their record.

Procuring Alcohol for a Minor – Dismissed and Sealed From Client’s Record

The client was a college student and was arrested and charged with a criminal offense. I was able to successfully argue that the police conducted an illegal search of the premises and that there was not sufficient evidence to prove my client had knowledge of who was at the residence at the time the police arrived because they were not present. The case was dismissed and sealed from their record.

DUI Over .15 – Amended to Reckless Driving

The client was found at an accident scene where a car struck a telephone pole. The client agreed to take and failed the field sobriety tests and admitted to drinking alcohol earlier in the day. He was arrested for suspicion of DUI and consented to the breathalyzer resulting in readings above .215. I was to successfully argue that the prosecution would not be able to place the client behind the wheel and prove that he operated the motor vehicle.  Client was offered a reduced disposition that would be removed from their record after a year and was able to keep their license.

Early Termination of Probation – Removed 10 years of Probation

Was able to convince the Superior Court that my client has been fully rehabilitated and that the sentence was excessive and no longer needed. The client was able to move on with their life outside of the constraints of the judicial system.